Season 50
September 22 - October 9, 2022
tick, tick. . . BOOM!
By Jonathan Larson
Directed by Benny Zielke Music Direction by Aaron Ames
Jon: Aaron Godwin
Michael: Cedric Jones
Susan: Kimmy Schofield
Karessa/Ensemble: Anika Nims
Rosa/Ensemble: Kiah Johnson
This musical is a semi-autobiographical story of an aspiring composer named Jon, living in New York City in 1990, worried that he has made the wrong career choice. “tick,tick…BOOM!” is also the basis of the recent Oscar-nominated movie directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
November 3 - 13, 2022
The Thanksgiving Play
By Larissa Fasthorse
Directed by Christiana Molldrem Harkulich
Logan: Natalie Collins
Jaxton: Henry Collins
Caden: Jeff Horger
Alicia: Erin Roux
School Teacher: Taylor Hanson
School Teacher: Alex Noa
Good intentions collide with absurd assumptions in Larissa FastHorse’s wickedly funny satire, as a troupe of terminally “woke” teaching artists scrambles to create a pageant that somehow manages to celebrate both Turkey Day and Native American Heritage Month.
December 2 - 11, 2022
Homegrown: An Insurrection Play by Nicole Anderson Cobb Directed by Ben F. Lock
Bernice: Misty Martin Josh: Aaron Miller (Aaron Clark u/s) Kelly: June Clark Eubanks Mason: Seth Hubbard Cody: Harry Brown
Mike: Alexander Harris Ricky:Felipe Carmona
“Homegrown” is a play that examines the events leading up to January 6 from the perspective of a church community grappling with political polarization and its effects on a local church, it's families, and the broader community.
February 2 - 12, 2023
Dream Hou$e
By Eliana Pipes
Directed by Jacqueline Moreno
Patricia: Mariana Seda Julia: Laney Rodriguez Tessa: Gabrielle Demarco Tessa Understudy: Lorrie Pearson Julia Understudy: Maria F. Velasquez Crew: Sean McCarthy
Two Latina sisters are appearing on an HGTV-style reality show to sell their family home, hoping to capitalize on the gentrification in their “changing neighborhood.” But once the cameras are rolling, the family's turbulent past and uncertain future begin to collide, and the sisters are forced to reckon with the secrets held between the house's walls.
March 30 - April 9, 2023
5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche
By Andrew Hobgood & Evan Linder
Directed by Kendall Jeonson
Wren: Heather Smith-Holley
Lulie: Ellen Magee
Vern: Zoë Dunn
Dale: Erin Roux
Ginny: Tiphaine Kouadou
Understudies: Courtney Malcolm, Lorrie Pearson, Alana Smith, Lexie Vogel
It’s 1956 and The Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein are having their annual quiche breakfast. As the assembled “widows” await the announcement of the society's prize-winning quiche, the atomic bomb sirens sound! Has the Communist threat come to pass? How will the “widows” respond as their idyllic town and lifestyle faces attacks?
Winner of the 2012 NYC International Fringe Festival as Best Overall Production, 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche is a tasty recipe of hysterical laughs, sexual innuendos, unsuccessful repressions, and delicious discoveries.
April 27 – May 7, 2023
Good Person of Setzuan
By Bertolt Brecht
Translated by Wendy Arons
Adapted by Tony Kushner
Directed by June Clark Eubanks
Shen Te/Shui Ta: Carissa Yau, Wang, the Waterseller: Mahal Childress, The First God: Kyglo Webb, The Second God: Lizzie Eubanks, The Third God: Sasha Zvenigorodsky, Yang Sun: Law Welle, Mrs. Shin: Konstanza Stormont, Ms. Mi Tzu, Landlady: Tiphaine Kouadou, Mrs. Yang, Sun: Heather Smith-Holley, The Wife: Rey Leonberger, The Husband: Joe Reichlin, The Nephew/Bonze: Alex Noa, The Niece/Young Prostitute: Lexie Vogel, The Older Prostitute/Mrs. Deng: Valeria Trivellone, The Brother: Noel Aper, The Sister-in-Law: Britney Christman, The Auntie/Ringleader: Melissa Goldman, The Other Mrs. Deng: Mary Berg, The Boy/Carpenter’s Girl: Delia Stout, The Carpenter’s Boy: Ruth Ionin, Shu Fu, the Barber: Aaron Clark, The Carpenter: Kevin Hall, The Policeman: Jasmine Elam, The Unemployed Man/Foreman: Andrew Rehn, The Man/Waiter: Olivia Webb, Mr. Tscheng/Factory Worker: Li Reichlin
What does it take to be a good person in an unjust world? In Brecht’s classic fable, the kind-hearted Shen Te does her best to please the gods… but turns to an alter ego, Shui Ta, in order to survive. This two-act play examines the struggle to "be good" in a cruel world through drama, narration, original music, and movement.
June 15 - 25, 2023
The Absentee
by Julia Doolittle. Directed by Christiana Molldrem Harkulich
The Operator: Kat Cordes The Beacon: Kimmy Schofield Lt. Zala: Courtney Malcolm Glenn: Trent Sherman
The Operator: Kimmy Schofield
The Beacon: Clarence Carmody
Lt. Zala: Ellen Magee Glenn: Clayton Young
Far out in the Milky Way, “Beacons” serve as lighthouses for warping spaceships around the galaxy. When a U.S. Space Forces ship explodes near Beacon 44.AR.90, its Operator finds herself alone in deep space with only her ship’s A.I. for companionship. That is, until a persistent canvasser calls, desperate to convince her to vote absentee in the 2088 election. As the Operator finds herself waiting over days and weeks and months for the clean up to be over she finds she has to come to terms with her isolation, grief, and her political voice.
This play was an honorable mention on the 2019 Killroy list (most recommended un- and underproduced new plays by woman, trans, and non-binary authors). A semi-finalist for the Relentless award, and winner of the 2019-2020 Woodward/Newman Drama Award.

July 27 - August 13, 2023
Ride the Cyclone the musical
by Jacob Richmond & Brooke Maxwell Directed by Nathan Bohannon Music Direction by Shawn Kimbrel
The Amazing Karnak: Kevin Paul Wickart Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg: Kimmy Schofield Noel Gruber: Evan Arnold Mischa Bachinski: David Sommer Ricky Potts: Ciara Kenny
Constance Blackwood: Melissa Goldman Jane Doe: Mary Jane Oken Virgil: Jon Faw
Understudies: The Amazing Karnak: Jace Jamison Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg: Destiny Jording Ricky Potts: Mikul Adaval Wyer
Constance Blackwood: Aera Boateng Jane Doe: Max Deremiah
In a dilapidated warehouse at an abandoned amusement park, The Amazing Karnak (a mechanical fortune-teller) comes to life and introduces the six member Saint Cassian Chamber Choir, who were tragically killed on the park’s Cyclone roller coaster. Now in limbo, Karnak has the power to return one of these youths back to life - but they must all decide among themselves who is the most worthy of a second chance to “ride the cyclone” that is life. A funny, moving look at what makes a life well-lived!